id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 766,"""Bug"" in comment (x2)",alexis_wilke,Daryle Walker,"{{{ This is very low priority! Hey guys, In this file: there is the following comment which says '9=unsigned long' and the code says '9=unsigned char'. Should someone get rid of that comment or fix it? // specializatons: 1=long, 2=int, 3=short, 4=signed char, // 6=unsigned long, 7=unsigned int, 8=unsigned short, 9=unsigned long // no specializations for 0 and 5: requests for a type > long are in error template<> struct int_least_helper<1> { typedef long least; }; template<> struct int_least_helper<2> { typedef int least; }; template<> struct int_least_helper<3> { typedef short least; }; template<> struct int_least_helper<4> { typedef signed char least; }; template<> struct int_least_helper<6> { typedef unsigned long least; }; template<> struct int_least_helper<7> { typedef unsigned int least; }; template<> struct int_least_helper<8> { typedef unsigned short least; }; template<> struct int_least_helper<9> { typedef unsigned char least; }; }}}",Bugs,closed,,iostreams,None,Cosmetic,fixed,,