id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 7801 Access violation using edge function and stored_ra_edge_iter Geoff Hammerle Jeremiah Willcock "I declare an adjacency_list as follows: {{{ struct MYvecS { }; template struct container_gen { typedef std::vector < ValueType, MyAllocator< ValueType > > type; }; template <> struct parallel_edge_traits { typedef allow_parallel_edge_tag type; }; namespace detail { // allow random access to NXvecS stored elements template <> struct is_random_access { enum { value = true }; typedef mpl::true_ type; }; } }}} {{{ typedef boost::adjacency_list < MYvecS, MYvecS, boost::undirectedS, MYVertexType, MYEdgeType, no_property, MYvecS > MyGraphType; }}} I begin populating the graph with vertices and edges. If I use the '''edge''' function, passing in two valid vertices that are in the graph, the call to '''StoredEdge(v)''' crashes. Referencing lines 312 thru 314 of '''detail\adjacency_list.hpp''', you'll see that when a single argument is passed to this method, the other two arguments assume default values. In this case '''edge_vec = 0''' and during this method call, it dereferences '''edge_vec''' which is set to NULL, and hence the access violation. " Bugs closed To Be Determined graph Boost 1.52.0 Problem fixed