id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 781,"Lambda: (_1 + ""y"")(string(""x"")) Doesn't Compile",nobody,No-Maintainer,"{{{ This program: #include #include #include #include int main() { const std::string s(""Hello""); std::cout << (boost::lambda::_1 + "", world!"")(s) << std::endl; } fails to compile with Boost 1.33.1 (on GCC 3.4.2 and GCC 4.1.1, at least) due to at least two bugs. One bug is in boost/lambda/detail/operators.hpp, lines 269-271. This function, declared to return a lambda_functor, returns a lambda_functor constructed from a tuple. But there is no such constructor. Instead, 'lambda_functor<' should be deleted from line 269 (and the closing '>' from line 271) so that it returns a lambda_functor_base constructed from a tuple. That constructor (which is explicit) does exist, and so does a lambda_functor constructor (which is implicit) from a lambda_functor_base. This is exactly what the macro BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E2 immediately below does, and there is no reason for BOOST_LAMBDA_PTR_ARITHMETIC_E1 to be different. Unfortunately, fixing that leaves another, more complicated bug: for some reason, the return type appears to be deduced as const char * instead of std::string. See for yourself. }}}",Bugs,closed,,lambda,None,Problem,fixed,,