id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 7824 """++--rng.end() == rng.end()"" can fail for strided ranges" Michel Morin Neil Groves "Attached a test case for which ""`++--rng.end() == rng.end()`"" fails. Due to this bug, libc++'s `deque::insert` function misunderstands the size of strided ranges. For example, {{{ using boost::strided_range; using boost::adaptors::strided; int ar[3] = {0, 1, 2}; strided_range rng = ar | strided(3); std::deque cont; cont.insert(cont.begin(), rng.begin(), rng.end()); std::cout << cont.size() << std::endl; }}} outputs 2 (not 1) with libc++. You can see `libs/range/test/adaptor_test/strided.cpp` fails on test runners with libc++. " Bugs closed To Be Determined range Boost Development Trunk Problem fixed