id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 8100,boost::any can't be empty,ThiSpawn ,nasonov," {{{ any() : content(0) { } ~any() { delete content; } }}} should be replaced i guess by : {{{ any() : content(0) { } ~any() { if (content != 0) delete content; } }}} else an empty boost::any crashes at destruction, and other operations can fail like : {{{ template any & operator=(const ValueType & rhs) { any(rhs).swap(*this); return *this; } }}} if this->content is null then the local any(rhs) after the swap has a null content, provoking a fail at destruction.",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,any,Boost 1.52.0,Problem,invalid,,