id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 819,uniform_int<> with type's maximum availaible range error,nobody,No-Maintainer,"{{{ using boost 1_33_1, MSVC 8.0 using namespace boost; using namespace std; typedef int32_t IntType;// the same bug for int8_t int16_t int64_t uniform_int ui(numeric_limits::min(), numeric_limits::max()); rand48 rng; variate_generator > gen(rng, ui); IntType x = gen(); // infinite loop here If we makes range smaller or if we using unsigned types - everything is OK So if we will look to uniform_int.hpp we will see..... template class uniform_int { public: .... typedef IntType result_type; .... explicit uniform_int(IntType min = 0, IntType max = 9) : _min(min), _max(max) { ...... assert(min <= max); init(); }..... private: result_type _min, _max, _range; void init() { _range = _max - _min;// for SIGNED types and maximum available range we will receive..... of course -1 !!!!!! } ......}Also i want to draw the attention russian-speaking boost developers to the }}}",Bugs,closed,,random,None,Problem,fixed,,