id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 8314,ibeta error for fisher f distribution,nyberg72@…,John Maddock,"The following call sequence #include int main () { double p = 3.0000000000000008e-068; //Just an example, other very small values for p give the same error boost::math::fisher_f_distribution fd(2.0, 9.0); double F = boost::math::quantile(boost::math::complement(fd, p)); return 0; } Will throw Error: Error in function boost::math:ibeta(long double, long double, long double): Root finding evaluation exceeded 200 iterations, giving up now. ",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,math,Boost 1.52.0,Problem,fixed,"beta function,, root finding, fisher f distributiond",