id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 837 Compiling with Borland C++Builder mnfisher Nicola Musatti "{{{ Hi, Is anyone using boost with Borland C++. I am trying to compile boost 1_33_1 using Borland's 5.8.2 compiler. Despite make files for Builder 6 I still have a poor success rate. For example #include gives E2316 is_convertible is not a member of boost - as the first of many errors. Similarly boost/variant.hpp, boost/algorithm/string.hpp and regex etc all fail to compile. I can use some libraries (any, bind, assign, smart_ptrs etc) Anyone any suggestions - as to which version of boost is best to use if nothing else. I have previously used spirit with C++Builder 5, but was hoping to use a more upto date version having upgraded. Thanks for any help / pointers. Martin }}}" Bugs closed build None None