id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 8410,lockfree 1.53.0: queue.cpp: push is broken if tail_.compare_exchange_strong returns false,robert.hranitzky@…,timblechmann," see line 299, queue.hpp, in lockfree, boost version 1.53.0 the implementation of compare_exchange_strong on x86 may return false; see line 320, boost/atomic/detail/gcc-x86.hpp however that isn't checked in push() of queue.hpp; proof: add an assert to the code, line 299 in queue.hpp: assert (tail_.compare_exchange_strong(tail, new_tail) && ""ERROR: broken""); return true; and run a stress test with lots of pthreads pushing and popping data. I can provide the test code on demand. Follow up: maybe this issue applies also to other parts of the lockfree code ? ",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,lockfree,Boost 1.53.0,Problem,invalid,,