id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 8468,Compile error on visual studio 2010/2012 using vector with custom allocator and aligned types,Rosario Leonardi ,Ion Gaztañaga,"Using boost containers with an allocator that have a construct function I have an error saying that the type can't be aligned. This is caused by boost trying to check if is possible to call construct with the parameter that i pass. In has_member_function_callable_with_construct_impl it try to do something like that: {{{ template struct funwrap2_construct : Fun { funwrap2_construct(); using Fun::construct; private_type construct(dont_care& , dont_care&) const; }; struct testConstruct { typedef funwrap2_construct< Foo > FunWrap; static bool const value = sizeof(no_type) == sizeof(is_private_type( (std::declval< FunWrap > ().construct(std::declval(), std::declval() ), 0))); }; }}} where MyObj is my aligned class and dontcare is an empty class with ellipse constructor. Ellipse can't be reference and that's why visual studio thinks that FunWrap::construct will use an aligned parameter passed on the stack. struct dont_care should have a templated constructor like boost::any.",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,intrusive,Boost Release Branch,Problem,fixed,,