id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 846,Possible bug in basic_iarchive_impl::reset_object_address,nobody,Robert Ramey,"{{{ In basic_iarchive_impl::reset_object_address (file libs/serialization/src/basic_iarchive.cpp), the loop index i gets incremented twice in each iteration of the second for loop: first in the ""for"" line, and then at the last line before the end of the loop. This causes some object addresses to not be updated as they should. In turn, this causes problems when serializing pointers to object contained in a map. This seems to be a bug. In some preliminary tests, the problem disappears if I take out the second ""i++"" (line 297 of version }}}",Bugs,closed,,serialization,None,,Fixed,,