id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 8489,Unnecessary Definition of iterator_adaptor.hpp class Has Dangerous Return of Temporary Object,Jeffrey D. Oldham ,jeffrey.hellrung,"Change definition of private iterator_adaptor<...>::dereference to a declaration, avoiding illegal return of local temporary object: error: returning reference to local temporary object [-Werror,-Wreturn-stack-address] { return *m_iterator; } Changing to a declaration is semantically acceptable because the preceding comment and a code search shows that the function was made private to ensure it is not used in this base class. This was revealed using Clang++ 3.0.6. It is a showstopper for people required to use Clang with warnings turned in errors.",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,iterator,Boost 1.53.0,Problem,,,gromer@…