id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 8541,New keywords to syntax highlight in C++11,John Maddock,Daniel James,"Can quickbook please catch up with C++11 and syntax highlight the new keywords? The complete C++11 list is: alignas continue friend register true alignof decltype goto reinterpret_cast try asm default if return typedef auto delete inline short typeid bool do int signed typename break double long sizeof union case dynamic_cast mutable static unsigned catch else namespace static_assert using char enum new static_cast virtual char16_t explicit noexcept struct void char32_t export nullptr switch volatile class extern operator template wchar_t const false private this while constexpr float protected thread_local const_cast for public throw",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,quickbook,Boost Development Trunk,Problem,fixed,,