id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 8579 qi::as/qi::attr_cast cannot be combined with some other parsers Vadim Guchenko Joel de Guzman "The following code should compile, but it doesn't. If you remove "">> qi::eoi"" part from the rule, it compiles. There may be other parsers in place of qi::eoi which don't expose any attribute (qi::lit, qi::eps) - the code won't compile either. qi::as is redundant in this particular example, but it can do the work in a real program. {{{ #include #include #include #include #include namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi; int main() { typedef std::vector vector_type; vector_type vector; std::istringstream is(""11 22 33""); is >> std::noskipws >> qi::match(qi::as()[qi::int_ % ' '] >> qi::eoi, vector); // is >> std::noskipws >> qi::match(qi::attr_cast(qi::int_ % ' ') >> qi::eoi, vector); assert(is); for (auto value : vector) std::cout << value << ' '; } }}} " Bugs new To Be Determined spirit Boost Development Trunk Problem