id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 8603,BOOST_PARAMETER_CONSTRUCTOR with no required arugments,james.hirschorn@…,Daniel Wallin,"The following variation on the example from the boost::parameter tutorial, where the required parameter is changed to optional, fails to compile. myclass_impl is passed an empty agrument list. {{{ #include #include BOOST_PARAMETER_NAME(name) BOOST_PARAMETER_NAME(index) struct myclass_impl { template myclass_impl(ArgumentPack const& args) { std::cout << ""name = "" << args[_name] << ""; index = "" << args[_index] << std::endl; } }; struct myclass : myclass_impl { BOOST_PARAMETER_CONSTRUCTOR( myclass, (myclass_impl), tag , (optional (name, *) (index, *) ) ) // no semicolon }; int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { myclass C(_name=""hello"", _index=0); } }}} Compilation output: {{{ In instantiation of 'myclass_impl::myclass_impl(const ArgumentPack&) [with ArgumentPack = boost::parameter::aux::empty_arg_list]': ... }}} ",Bugs,closed,,parameter,Boost 1.53.0,Showstopper,invalid,BOOST_PARAMETER_CONSTRUCTOR,