id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 8729,"Library Submission, working with pointer containers",Charlie Page ,No-Maintainer,"Hey All, I don't even know if this is the right place to submit this, but the website seems to indicate it is. I was reading a book which seems to suggest that working with pointers in containers is harder then it should be. A couple of templates can make it much easier. For instance, to work with pointers(this template assumes that T is derived from unary_function, as std::set Compare types are, and long typenames are there to be an example to make this more understandable, final form could cut back: template struct dereference { typename T::result_type operator()(const typename T::first_argument_type* arg1, const typename T::second_argument_type* arg2) const { return T()(*arg1, *arg2); } }; e.x.: std::set > > myset; ",Library Submissions,new,To Be Determined,functional,Boost 1.52.0,Optimization,,,