id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 8820,Reduce debug symbols size,Andrey Semashev,Joel de Guzman,"There is [ this ] discussion on Boost developers mailing list concerning Boost.Log compiled binary sizes. The problem by a large degree is caused by Boost.Spirit generating lots of debug info in the compiled libraries. I came to this conclusion by analyzing the object file sizes of Boost.Log (I've presented the object sizes in [ this] post, and you can see that the most part if the libboost_log_setup-vc110-mt-gd-1_55.lib library is occupied by parsers). The parsers in question are implemented in libs/log/src/filter_parser.cpp and formatter_parser.cpp. I'm not sure if there's anything I can do on Boost.Log side to mitigate the problem, other than to just rewrite them without Boost.Spirit. However, this example and my other general experience with Boost.Spirit indicates that Boost.Spirit tends to generate lots of debug info even for parsers of moderate complexity (like the ones in Boost.Log). I would really like something to be done about this. ",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,spirit,Boost 1.54.0,Problem,,,