id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 904,random::normal_distribution,mcbeth,jmaurer,"{{{ random::normal_distribution always returns a NaN when presented with a UniformRandomNumberGenerator that provides values outside the range of (0,1). So, for example, this will print a NaN. #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { boost::mt19937 eng(40); boost::normal_distribution<> norm(0,1); std::cout << norm(eng) << std::endl; } Looking at the code, it is clear that for normal_distribution's answers to be defined, the values need to be in the range (0,1) The attached patch uses uniform_real to restrict the range to [0,1). Unfortunately, this leaves 0 as a fail point. I don't see a clear way to fix that at the moment. }}}",Bugs,closed,,random,None,,Rejected,,