id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 9050 Log test executables setup_*.exe trigger Windows7 UAC Jim Bell Andrey Semashev "Three log regression tests create executables named ""setup_....exe"", but that name triggers the Windows7 UAC (User Account Control) mechanism, which darkens the entire screen and puts up this dialog: {{{ Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer? }}} The programs are: * setup_settings_parser.exe * setup_formatter_parser.exe * setup_filter_parser.exe Renaming them to change ""setup_..."" to something else (such as ""stp_..."" or ""ready_..."" or some such) will allow them to run without altering the UAC settings on each regression-test machine. See also [] Though this seems to be based on the file's name, I don't think all the rules employed by Windows' UAC mechanism are formally documented even by Microsoft. " Bugs closed To Be Determined log Boost Development Trunk Regression fixed Windows7 UAC setup jim@…