id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 9130,Boost Fusion parameter pack error in VS 2013 RC,dain.bray@…,Joel de Guzman," fusion::map does not compile in VS 2013 RC. If gives these errors: error C3520: 'T' : parameter pack must be expanded in this context c:\depo\common\third_party\boost\boost\fusion\container\generation\make_cons.hpp 39 error C3520: 'T' : parameter pack must be expanded in this context c:\depo\common\third_party\boost\boost\fusion\container\generation\detail\preprocessed\make_list10.hpp error C3520: 'T' : parameter pack must be expanded in this context c:\depo\common\third_party\boost\boost\fusion\container\generation\detail\preprocessed\make_vector10.hpp error C3520: 'T' : parameter pack must be expanded in this context c:\depo\common\third_party\boost\boost\fusion\container\generation\detail\preprocessed\make_set10.hpp Here is the complete template callstack for one of them(it is not very helpful sorry). c:\depo\common\third_party\boost\boost\fusion\container\generation\detail\preprocessed\make_list10.hpp(35): error C3520: 'T' : parameter pack must be expanded in this context 1> c:\depo\common\third_party\boost\boost\fusion\container\generation\detail\preprocessed\make_list10.hpp(36) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::fusion::result_of::make_list' being compiled The example I am posting gives 66 of these errors. Here is a minimal repro test. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fs = boost::fusion; namespace Key { struct prep_table{}; struct draw_single{}; }; int main() { fs::map, std::pair> Blah; return 0; }",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,fusion,Boost 1.54.0,Showstopper,worksforme,,flast@…