id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 9157,default_sink.cpp is missing a #if !defined(BOOST_LOG_NO_THREADS),Frank Heimes ,Andrey Semashev,"When building the trunk (23.09.2013) using VS 2013 RC, the Compiler complained about the type thread::id in line 38. From the context in the remainder of the file, it is clear IMHO, that this declaration needs to be embraced with a conditional define: {{{ #if !defined(BOOST_LOG_NO_THREADS) namespace aux { // Defined in thread_id.cpp void format_thread_id(char* buf, std::size_t size, thread::id tid); } // namespace aux #endif }}} ",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,log,Boost Development Trunk,Problem,fixed,,