id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 9162,intersects returns incorrect result in spherical equatorial,hujie.eagle@…,Barend Gehrels,"Hi, The intersects does not return the correct result for point in polygon with spherical equatorial. These are two cases: 1. a polygon with pole (north/south) in it assume polygon PL: POLYGON((0 80,-90 80, -180 80, 90 80, 0 80)) a point P: POINT(0 90) {{{ boost::geometry::intersects(P, PL) }}} should return TRUE, but return false in boost 1.54. 2. point in the opposite side of the polygon assume polygon PL: POLYGON((30 0,30 30,90 30, 90 0, 30 0)) a point P: POINT(-120 21) {{{ boost::geometry::intersects(P, PL) }}} should return FALSE, but return true in boost 1.54. The issue may be caused by the spherical_side_formula can not handle this two cases. Attachment is the test case for these two issues. ",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.61.0,geometry,Boost 1.54.0,Problem,fixed,"within, intersects, spherical",