id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 9186 posix_time and time zones kurt@… az_sw_dude "Hi, When I use something like: boost::posix_time::time_from_string(""2013-09-29 23:36:54.565+02""); I end up with: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl >' what(): bad lexical cast: source type value could not be interpreted as target Aborted However, the following 2 do work: boost::posix_time::time_from_string(""2013-09-29 23:36:54.565123+02""); boost::posix_time::time_from_string(""2013-09-29 23:36:54.565""); It also doesn't seem to be doing anything with the +02. When I use to_tm() regardless of what is behind the +, I always get the 23 in tm_hour. The glibc extension tm_gmtoff is also always set to 0. None of the functions that convert it to strings seem to be able to have a time zone in it. I really don't understand why there isn't any support for time zones. A time without time zone seems to be totally useless to me. PS: The documentation has 3 times tm_isddst in it instead of tm_isdst." Bugs new To Be Determined date_time Boost 1.54.0 Problem