id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 9201,"CopyConstructible, as a side effect, requires the type to be DefaultConstructible.",David Laštovička ,jsiek,"The last line in the code bellow (i.e. 'TT b;') in fact requires the TT type to be DefaultConstructible. In my opinion that is not desired. I think that this bug is present also for other concepts (e.g. Assignable). {{{ BOOST_concept(CopyConstructible,(TT)) { BOOST_CONCEPT_USAGE(CopyConstructible) { TT a(b); // require copy constructor TT* ptr = &a; // require address of operator const_constraints(a); ignore_unused_variable_warning(ptr); } private: void const_constraints(const TT& a) { TT c(a); // require const copy constructor const TT* ptr = &a; // require const address of operator ignore_unused_variable_warning(c); ignore_unused_variable_warning(ptr); } TT b; }; }}} ",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,concept_check,Boost Development Trunk,Problem,worksforme,concept CopyConstructible DefaultConstructible Assignable,