id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 9207,"different sizeof atomic_count (boost/asio/detail/atomic_count.hpp) type after comilation with --std=c++11 than after comilation without --std=c++11 (gcc, x86_64).",Karol Nowacki ,chris_kohlhoff,"atomic_count has different size when compiling with --std==c++11 (sizeof(long)) than compiling without --std=c++11 (sizof(int)). Hence classes which use atomic_count have different memory layout of members depending on --std compilation option. This leads to troubles when program is built from object files compiled with --std=c++11 and files compiled without --std=c++11. This phenomena is not visible for clang (clang std lib contains std::atomic) Problem is also not visible on i386 (sizeof(long) == sizeof(int)) Problem exists in 1.54 and on the trunk. In attached example task_io_service has different size in two compilation units. This leads to segmentation fault. ",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,asio,Boost 1.54.0,Problem,invalid,,