id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 9293,multi_index_container iterator needs base object size,anonymous,Joaquín M López Muñoz,"The reason this is a bug is because I cannot define 2 classes A&B that will be stored in sequenced containers, and have A&B each hold an iterator to the other's container. For example, this works: {{{ struct A; struct B { std::list::iterator a_it; }; struct A { std::list::iterator b_it; }; }}} However, if I want to replace both lists with sequenced multi_index_containers, I can no longer compile it. The problem is that the iterator to a multi_index_container somehow calls sizeof on the stored class, so the forward declaration is not enough to compile.",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,multi_index,Boost 1.46.0,Problem,wontfix,multi_index_set,