id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 9345,Add support for M component to WKT and WKB I/O,Mateusz Loskot,Mateusz Loskot,"This task is related to [ Changes in WKB (read) behaviour proposal (WKT Part)] discussion on the list. We should try to add ability to consume/produce the M (measure) component from/to geometries encoded in OGC WKT and WKB formats. As Barend explained in the thread linked above: > We drop the M anyway (currently). > We cannot handle it because our Point Concept does not contain model-values. > Something additional would be necessary to be able to assign > it to the point in question (strategy? policy? assigner?), > which can do with it what it wants. > An easy option would be assigning the M to the third dimension > (if any), and that is probably currently the case > (I have to check). I think a form of user-defined data assigner, similar to dimension assigners, which uses can enable for adapted geometries would be useful.",Tasks,new,To Be Determined,geometry,Boost Development Trunk,Not Applicable,,"wkt,wkb",