id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 934,write_graphviz() crashes on G w/ no edge,nobody,jsiek,"{{{ In boost 1.21.2, write_graphviz() crashes on an adjacency_list graph with no edges. Here is the corrected definition of the function that crashes: template inline adj_list_edge_iterator(VertexIterator b, VertexIterator c, VertexIterator e, G& g) : vBegin(b), vCurr(c), vEnd(e), m_g(&g) { if ( vCurr != vEnd ) { while ( vCurr != vEnd && out_degree(*vCurr, *m_g) == 0 ) ++vCurr; if( vCurr != vEnd ) { tie(eCurr, eEnd) = out_edges(*vCurr, *m_g); } } } }}}",Bugs,closed,,graph,None,,Fixed,,