id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 9368,Generalize edge weight types usable in prim_minimum_spanning_tree,lgtorres42@…,Jeremiah Willcock,"The current implementation of prim_minimum_spanning_tree makes the following assumptions about edge weight types: + weights have the less-than (<) operator defined + weight identity value is 0 + the maximum weight value is accessible by std::numeric_limits::max() I've attached a patch that removes these requirements of edge weights by allowing users to use the distance_compare, distance_zero, and distance_inf named parameters. These parameters are passed to the dijsktra_shortest_paths() call that underlies the prim_minimum_spanning_tree function. ",Patches,new,To Be Determined,graph,Boost Development Trunk,Problem,,"bgl, prim, weight",