id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 9489,boost::date_time::time_resolution_traits uses 32-bit seconds for 64-bit systems,mreissne@…,"James E. King, III","boost::date_time::time_resolution_traits defaults to boost::int32_t for its v_type parameter. This means that for 64-bit systems, such as time_resolution_traits_bi64_impl and time_resolution_traits_adapted64_impl, date-times whose seconds count exceed the int32_t limit will overflow, returning a negative value for boost::posix_time::time_duration::total_seconds. The attached file reproduces the issue. The output on a 64-bit Intel(R) Xeon system running Linux is: 2038-Jan-19 03:14:08 -2147483648 We have found that changing the v_type definition from boost::int32_t to typename frac_sec_type::int_type resolves the issue by associating v_type with its implementation's definition.",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.67.0,date_time,Boost 1.54.0,Problem,fixed,,mail@…