id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 9596,"""logical ‘and’ of mutually exclusive tests is always false"" error in random/linear_congruential.hpp",a0smucig@…,No-Maintainer,"There is a line in random/linear_congruential.hpp at line 136 which seems to work, but may be a bit wrong. It may definitely be my somewhat small knowledge of how the compiler works, but shouldn't this: if(_x <= 0 && _x != 0) be equal to if(_x < 0). This line throws an error with the -Werror flag set in gcc 4.7.2: with ""logical ‘and’ of mutually exclusive tests is always false [-Werror=logical-op]"". These are not mutually exclusive, so the compiler may be wrong, but the question still remains if this could be done better.",Patches,closed,To Be Determined,random,Boost 1.55.0,Optimization,fixed,,