id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 9598,no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'boost::filesystem::directory_iterator',krys@…,Beman Dawes,"Hi, I'm working with the Boost C++ library since a long time and suddenly I got stranges error when I compile my software with Visual Studio 2012 (in debug 64 bits). I have absolutely no idea of the problem and the ""output"" does not really help me. Here are the kind of errors I got (the output): _libraries\lib_Boost\boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp(847): error C2059: syntax error : ',' And the following one too : I'm working with the Boost C++ library since a long time and suddenly I got stranges error when I compile my software with Visual Studio 2012 (in debug 64 bits). I have absolutely no idea of the problem and the ""output"" does not really help me. Here are the kind of errors I got (the output): {{{ _libraries\lib_Boost\boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp(847): error C2059: syntax error : ',' }}} And the following one too : {{{ _libraries\lib_Boost\boost/filesystem/operations.hpp(798): error C2678: binary '!=' : no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'boost::filesystem::directory_iterator' (or there is no acceptable conversion) _libraries\lib_Boost\boost/filesystem/path.hpp(621): could be 'bool boost::filesystem::operator !=(const boost::filesystem::path &,const boost::filesystem::path &)' _libraries\lib_Boost\boost/filesystem/path.hpp(622): or 'bool boost::filesystem::operator !=(const boost::filesystem::path &,const boost::filesystem::path::string_type &)' _libraries\lib_Boost\boost/filesystem/path.hpp(623): or 'bool boost::filesystem::operator !=(const boost::filesystem::path::string_type &,const boost::filesystem::path &)' _libraries\lib_Boost\boost/filesystem/path.hpp(624): or 'bool boost::filesystem::operator !=(const boost::filesystem::path &,const boost::filesystem::path::value_type *)' _libraries\lib_Boost\boost/filesystem/path.hpp(625): or 'bool boost::filesystem::operator !=(const boost::filesystem::path::value_type *,const boost::filesystem::path &)' while trying to match the argument list '(boost::filesystem::directory_iterator, boost::filesystem::directory_iterator)' }}} Does someone has an idea that can help me to find the reason of theses errors ? Is there some compilation options that can help to find the problem ? I only have theses 2 errors (a lot of time !!) Feel free to contact me by email... I'm also available through Skype. Thanks",Support Requests,new,To Be Determined,filesystem,Boost 1.54.0,Showstopper,,filesystem iterator,