id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 9618 try_join_for problem: program is not terminate. oniprog viboes "In the following, {{{ auto pDummyThread = []{ // not important }; boost::thread t1( pDummyThread ); while( true ) { if ( t1.try_join_for(boost::chrono::milliseconds(0))/*(1)*/ ) break; } }}} If (1) is ""try_join_for(boost::chrono::millseconds(1))"", program will terminate. But (1) is ""try_join_for(boost::chrono::milliseconds(0))"", program is not terminate. I think that this program must terminate. (boost 1.55.0, windows 8.1 64 bits, Visual Studio 2012) " Bugs closed Boost 1.56.0 thread Boost 1.55.0 Problem fixed try_join_for