id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 9650 intrusive list with stateful value traits Matei David Ion Gaztañaga "In 1.55, in file `boost/intrusive/list.hpp`, in function `list_impl::iterator_to()`: when `list_impl` is instantiated with stateful value traits, the function attempts to call a non-static member without an object. The problem is that `list_impl` does not derive from `value_traits`, instead, only its member `data_` derives from `value_traits`. Then, inside the non-static `iterator_to()`, the syntax `real_value_traits::to_node_ptr()` is incorrect. In contrast, e.g., `bstbase3` does derive from `value_traits`, and there the same syntax works just fine. I'm attaching a file demonstrating the bug. The file contains the sample code at the bottom of with a single line modification invoking `iterator_to()`. I'll create a pull request." Bugs closed To Be Determined intrusive Boost 1.55.0 Problem fixed intrusive list iterator_to with stateful traits