id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 9833,"""leaking exception"" (eg. geometric distribution)",HS Tan ,John Maddock,"Sorry to label this outright as a ""bug"" ... it might just be my misunderstanding. Consider the code included below ... please save it as-is as test.cpp and build it with: g++ -o test test.cpp. Then uncomment the #define USE_CONFIG_FILE on the first line and repeat the above process to see the issue. Thank you.[[br]] HS {{{ // #define USE_CONFIG_FILE 1 #ifdef USE_CONFIG_FILE #include #include namespace test { using namespace boost::math::policies; typedef policy< domain_error< ignore_error >, overflow_error< ignore_error >, discrete_quantile< integer_round_up > > my_boost_policy; BOOST_MATH_DECLARE_DISTRIBUTIONS( double, my_boost_policy ); } #else #define BOOST_MATH_DOMAIN_ERROR_POLICY ignore_error #define BOOST_MATH_OVERFLOW_ERROR_POLICY ignore_error #define BOOST_MATH_DISCRETE_QUANTILE_POLICY integer_round_up #endif #include #include #include int main() { double _p0 = 1.0; double _x = 0.0; #ifdef USE_CONFIG_FILE test::geometric _dist( _p0 ); #else boost::math::geometric_distribution<> _dist( _p0 ); #endif /* USE_CONFIG_FILE */ std::printf( ""\n"" "" 1-CDF(0,false): %g\n"", boost::math::cdf( boost::math::complement( _dist, _x ) ) ); std::printf( "" CDF(0,false): %g\n\n"", boost::math::cdf( _dist, _x ) ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } }}}",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,math,Boost Development Trunk,Showstopper,fixed,,