Boost C++ Libraries: Ticket #9849: shared_memory_object incompatible between x86 to x64 on Windows. <p> The problem is very similar to Ticket <a class="closed ticket" href="" title="#6054: Bugs: Reading Shared Memory from x86 to x64 and vice versa on OSX (closed: fixed)">#6054</a> for OSX and a different sub-folder of </p> <pre class="wiki">C:\\ProgramData/boost_interprocess/ </pre><p> is created for each x86 or x64. It happens in get_bootstamp (tmp_dir_helpers.hpp:45) which generates a different file. </p> <p> The code is directly defined for OSX in get_bootstamp, but for windows, it goes to windows_semaphore_based_map() constructor (windows_intermodule_singleton.hpp:57) where it behaves differently depending on the size of void*. </p> <p> If this behavior is an exception, it should be written in the docs, since mixing x64 and x32 seems to work on OSX and Unix and does work with the native windows functions and the windows_shared_memory. </p> en-us Boost C++ Libraries /htdocs/site/boost.png Trac 1.4.3