id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 9855,Corruption in container::string when used with boost::interprocess,Lars Hagström ,Ion Gaztañaga,"I have found a rather strange problem in Boost.Container which I can only get to show itself when used from Boost.Interprocess. So the problem may be in either Boost.Container and Boost.Interprocess. I have a vector of strings (in shared memory). When I push back some of these strings one of them ends up missing its null termination (c_str() returns a string which has a garbage character at the end). I have tried to work out what the problem is, and my theory is that it is when the vector gets resized and the strings get moved into their new positions. The move semantics make the now ""empty"" strings ""unconstructed"". A new push_back will do an assign onto an unconstructed slot without ""reconstructing"" it. But this is where I get lost in the vector code... I have a short test program at Compile and run and it will hopefully print out some information about the error. It appears that this error happens only on 64bit OSes. And I have only tried it on Linux (recent Ubuntu and Arch).",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,container,Boost 1.55.0,Showstopper,,,