Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #9941, comment 3

Apr 23, 2014, 3:04:22 PM (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #9941, comment 3

    initial v1  
    33Spatial relations are well defined, e.g. touches() returns TRUE only if the interiors of both geometries do NOT overlap.
    5 In the case of Polygons we know what to do because according to the OGC the Polygon must have an interior, it's area can't be 0. Boxes are different, they're not defined in the OGC standard. Bounding objects in general may have no area/volume since they may be an envelop of a single Point. So we should decide how a Point-sized Box should be treated:
     5In the case of Polygons we know what to do because according to the OGC the Polygon must have an interior, its area can't be 0. Boxes are different, they're not defined in the OGC standard. Bounding objects in general may have no area/volume since they may be an envelop of a single Point. So we should decide how a Point-sized Box should be treated:
    661. as a Point - no boundary, only the interior which means that touches for equal Point-sized Boxes should return FALSE.
    772. as an Areal geometry without interior, only boundary which means that touches for equal Point-sized Boxes should return TRUE (currently this is implemented).