id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 9,config_info ambiguity error,ejames-beckham,jmaurer,"{{{ I am doing internal testing on a pre-release version of the Borland C++ compiler. config/test/config_info.cpp generates an ambiguity with Borland C++ 5.5.1 when using the STLPort library in place of the currently shipping RogueWave. I see that other highly-conformant compilers are also failing this test. I have confirmed that with g++ 2.95 the error given is the same as the error I see with Borland's compiler (w/STLPort). Here is a code sample that I narrowed from config_info.cpp: #include #include templateclass AA: unary_function {}; templateAAmem_fun(S(T::*)()const) {} class BB{public:void ff()const{}}; void test(){mem_fun(BB::ff);} /* Error E2015 config_test.cpp 6: Ambiguity between '_STL::_STL::const_mem_fun_t mem_fun(void (BB::*)() const)' and 'AA mem_fun(void (BB::*)() const)' in function test() */ }}}",Bugs,closed,,test,None,,Invalid,,