Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of BestPracticeHandbook

May 8, 2015, 12:25:15 PM (7 years ago)
Niall Douglas



  • BestPracticeHandbook

    v16 v17  
    8282Some may wonder what the hard git reset to a SHA is for. This prevents the gh-pages branch continuously growing in storage by breaking history for the branch, and therefore making git clone times grow excessively. As the branch is purely for HTML publishing, breaking history like this is safe.
     84An example of using Travis to build the documentation is at, specifically the line:
     87  - if [ "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" == "cpp14" ] && [ "${DOCUMENTATION}" != "" ]; then (travis_wait travis_retry wget --quiet${BOOST}.tar.gz && tar zxf ${BOOST}.tar.gz && mkdir ${BOOST}/libs/di && cp -r example build doc ${BOOST}/libs/di && sudo apt-get install xsltproc && cd ${BOOST}/libs/di/doc && ../build/b2 -sBOOST_ROOT=../build && git clone && cd di && git checkout -b gh-pages --track origin/gh-pages && git reset --hard && rm -rf boost/libs/di/doc/html cpp14/boost/libs/di/doc/html && cp -r ../html boost/libs/di/doc && cp -r ../html cpp14/boost/libs/di/doc && git add -A . && git commit -am "doc regeneration" && git push --force --quiet "https://${GH_TOKEN}"); fi
    8490Other examples of libraries which use github for their documentation:
    614620== 12. CONVENIENCE: Consider having Travis send your unit test code coverage results to ==
     622There is quite a neat web service called [] free for open source projects which graphically displays unit test line coverage in a pretty colour coded source code browser UI. You also get a badge which shows how much of your code is covered as a percentage. It might sound like a bit of a gimmick, but in terms of ease of quickly visualising what you ''haven't'' covered when you thought you should it's very handy. Also, if you hook coveralls into your github using travis, coveralls will comment on your pull requests and commits whether your test coverage has risen or fallen, and that can be more than useful when you send in a commit and an unexpected catastrophic fall in coverage occurs as that probably means you just committed buggy code.
     624Anyway, firstly take a look at these libraries which use and decide if you like what you see:
     629Assuming you are now convinced, firstly you obviously need travis working. You ''can'' use coveralls without travis, but it's a one click enable with travis and github, so we'll assume you've done that. Your next problem with be getting travis to calculate line coverage for you, and to send the results to coveralls.
     631There are two approaches to this, and we'll start with the official one. Firstly you'll need a coveralls API key securely encoded into travis, [ see this page for how]. Next have a look at, with the key line being:
     635  - if [ "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" == "cpp14" ] && [ "${VARIANT}" == "coverage" ]; then (sudo pip install requests[security] cpp-coveralls && coveralls -r . -b test/ --gcov /usr/bin/${GCOV} --repo-token c3V44Hj0ZTKzz4kaa3gIlVjInFiyNRZ4f); fi
     638This makes use of the coveralls c++ tool at to do the analysis, and you'll also need to adjust your Jamfile as per with some variant addition like:
     641extend-feature variant : coverage ;
     642compose <variant>coverage :
     643    <cxxflags>"-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage" <linkflags>"-fprofile-arcs"
     644    <optimization>off
     648... which gets the gcov files to be output when the unit tests are executed.
     650That's the official way, and you should try that first. However, I personally couldn't get the above working, though admittedly when I implemented coveralls support it was a good two years ago and I spent a large chunk of it fighting the tooling, so I eventually gave up and wrote my own coveralls coverage calculator which was partially borrowed from others. You can see mine at where you will note that I inject the fprofile-arcs etc arguments into b2 via its cxxflags from the outside. I then invoke a shell script at
     654# Adapted from
     655# which itself was adapted from
     657if [ 0 -eq $(find -iname "*.gcda" | wc -l) ]
     659  exit 0
     662gcov-4.8 --source-prefix $1 --preserve-paths --relative-only $(find -iname "*.gcda") 1>/dev/null || exit 0
     664cat >coverage.json <<EOF
     666  "service_name": "travis-ci",
     667  "service_job_id": "${TRAVIS_JOB_ID}",
     668  "run_at": "$(date --iso-8601=s)",
     669  "source_files": [
     672for file in $(find * -iname '*.gcov' -print | egrep '.*' | egrep -v 'valgrind|SpookyV2|bindlib|test')
     674  FILEPATH=$(echo ${file} | sed -re 's%#%\/%g; s%.gcov$%%')
     675  echo Reporting coverage for $FILEPATH ...
     676  cat >>coverage.json <<EOF
     677    {
     678      "name": "$FILEPATH",
     679      "source": $(cat $FILEPATH | python test/,
     680      "coverage": [$(tail -n +3 ${file} | cut -d ':' -f 1 | sed -re 's%^ +%%g; s%-%null%g; s%^[#=]+$%0%;' | tr $'\n' ',' | sed -re 's%,$%%')]
     681    },
     685#cat coverage.json
     686mv coverage.json coverage.json.tmp
     687cat >coverage.json <(head -n -1 coverage.json.tmp) <(echo -e "    }\n  ]\n}")
     688rm *.gcov coverage.json.tmp
     690#head coverage.json
     692curl -F json_file=@coverage.json
     693#head coverage.json
     696This manually invokes gcov to convert the gcda files into a unified coverage dataset. I then use egrep to include all and egrep -v to exclude anything matching the pattern which is all the stuff not in the actual AFIO library. You'll note I build a JSON fragment as I go into the coverage.json temporary file, and the coverage is generated by chopping up the per line information into a very long string matching the coveralls JSON specification as per its API docs. Do note the separate bit of python called to convert the C++ source code into encoded JSON text (, I had some problems with UTF-8 in my source code, and forcing them through a ISO-8859 JSON string encode made coveralls happy. I then push the JSON to coveralls using curl. All in all a very blunt instrument, and essentially doing exactly the same thing as the official C++ coveralls tool now does, but you may find the manual method useful if the official tool proves too inflexible for your needs.
    616698== 13. CONVENIENCE: Consider creating a status dashboard for your library with everything you need to know shown in one place ==
     700I like all-in-one-place software status dashboards where with a quick glance one can tell if there is a problem or not. I feel it makes it far more likely that I will spot a problem quickly if it is somewhere I regularly visit, and for that reason I like to mount my status dashboard at the front of my library docs and on my project's github Readme:
     702* Front of my library docs:
     703* Project's github Readme (bottom of page):
     705Implementing these is ridiculously easy: it's a table in standard HTML which github markdown conveniently will render as-is for me, and you can see its source markdown/HTML at The structure is very simple, columns for OS, Compiler, STL, CPU, Build status, Test status and with three badges in each status row, one each for header only builds, static library builds, and shared DLL builds.
     707Keen eyes may note that the latter majority of that HTML looks automatically generated, and you would be right. The python script at has a matrix of test targets configured on my Jenkins CI at and it churns out HTML matching those. An alternative approach is which will parse a Jenkins CI test grid from a Matrix Build configuration into a collapsed space HTML table which fits nicely onto github. If you also want your HTML/markdown dashboard to appear in your BoostBook documentation, the script at with the XSLT at should do a fine job.
     709All of the above dashboarding is fairly Jenkins centric, so what if you just have Travis + Appveyor? I think Boost.DI has it right by encoding a small but complete status dashboard into its BoostBook docs and github, so examine:
     711* Front page of library docs (underneath the table of contents):
     712* Project's github Readme (bottom of page, look for the badges):
     714As a purely personal thing, I'd personally prefer the line of status badges ''before'' the table of contents such that I am much more likely to see it when jumping in and notice that something is red when it shouldn't be. But it's purely a personal thing, and each library author will have their own preference.
     716Finally, I think that displaying status summaries via badges like this is another highly visible universal mark of software quality. It shows that the library author cares enough to publicly show the current state of their library. Future tooling by Boost which dashboards Boost libraries and/or ranks libraries by a quality score will almost certainly find the application specific ids for Travis, Appveyor, Coveralls etc by searching any in the github repo for status badges, so by including status badges in your github you can guarantee that such Boost library ranking scripts will work out of the box with no additional effort by you in the future.
    618718== 14. COUPLING: Consider enabling multiple versions of your (header only) library to coexist within the same translation unit ==
    620722== 15. DESIGN: Consider making (more) use of C++ 11 namespace composure as a design pattern ==
     724todo check this compiles
     729#include <iostream>
     730#include <string>
     732template <typename OutputPolicy, typename LanguagePolicy>
     733class HelloWorld : private OutputPolicy, private LanguagePolicy
     735    using OutputPolicy::print;
     736    using LanguagePolicy::message;
     739    // Behaviour method
     740    void run() const
     741    {
     742        // Two policy methods
     743        print(message());
     744    }
     747class OutputPolicyWriteToCout
     750    template<typename MessageType>
     751    void print(MessageType const &message) const
     752    {
     753        std::cout << message << std::endl;
     754    }
     757class LanguagePolicyEnglish
     760    std::string message() const
     761    {
     762        return "Hello, World!";
     763    }
     766class LanguagePolicyGerman
     769    std::string message() const
     770    {
     771        return "Hallo Welt!";
     772    }
     775int main()
     777    /* Example 1 */
     778    typedef HelloWorld<OutputPolicyWriteToCout, LanguagePolicyEnglish> HelloWorldEnglish;
     780    HelloWorldEnglish hello_world;
     781; // prints "Hello, World!"
     783    /* Example 2
     784     * Does the same, but uses another language policy */
     785    typedef HelloWorld<OutputPolicyWriteToCout, LanguagePolicyGerman> HelloWorldGerman;
     787    HelloWorldGerman hello_world2;
     788; // prints "Hallo Welt!"
    622792== 16. FUTURE PROOFING: Consider using a precompiled header to feed your (multi-abi) library into your unit tests ==