Changes between Version 31 and Version 32 of BestPracticeHandbook

May 27, 2015, 3:30:33 PM (7 years ago)
Niall Douglas



  • BestPracticeHandbook

    v31 v32  
    12551255Then the answer is yes! The current C++ 1z resumable function proposal provides two verbs to work with resumable functions:
    1257 1. `await`: ''potentially'' suspend the execution of the current function and return a future result now, resuming this function's execution when the callable passed to `await` finishes execution somewhere else or at some other time. Note that the name of this keyword may change in the future. Use of the `await` keyword always causes the invoking function to return some synchronisation object (often a `future<T>`) with a known `resumable_traits` specialisation, where the default catch all specialisation for any `R(T...)` callable is `std::future<R>`.
     12571. `await`: ''potentially'' suspend the execution of the current function and return a future result now, resuming this function's execution when the callable passed to `await` finishes execution somewhere else or at some other time. Note that the name of this keyword may change in the future. Use of the `await` keyword always causes the invoking function to return some synchronisation object (often a `future<T>`) with a known `coroutine_traits` specialisation, where the default catch all specialisation for any `R(T...)` callable is `std::future<R>`.
    12591259 This probably is a bit head wrecky, so let's look at some code:
    12791279 }}}
    1281  The `await` keyword is rather like range for loops in that it expands into a well specified boilerplate. Let's look at the above code but with some of the boilerplate inserted, remembering that C++ 1z futures now have continuations support via the `.then(callable)` member function, and bearing in mind this is a simplified not actual expansion of the boilerplate for the purposes of brevity:
     1281 The `await` keyword is rather like range for loops in that it expands into a well specified boilerplate. Let's look at the above code but with some of the boilerplate inserted, remembering that C++ 1z futures now have continuations support via the `.then(callable)` member function, and bearing in mind this is a simplified not actual expansion of the boilerplate for the purposes of brevity (you can find the actual boilerplate expansion in the N-papers submitted to WG21 if you really want):
    12831283 {{{#!c++
    13811381 This boilerplate expanded version may still hurt the head, so here is essentially what happens:
    1382  1. We dynamically allocate a stack frame on entry, and that dynamic memory allocation sticks around until the resumable function completes.
    1383  2. We always construct a promise-future pair for the result (or whatever synchronisation object `coroutine_traits` says) on entry to the function.
    1384  3. If `async_call()` always returns a signalled future, we add the result to total, signal the future and return the future.
    1385  4. If `async_call()` ever returns an unsignaled future, we ask the unsignaled future to resume our detached path when it is signalled. We suspend ourselves, and return our future immediately. At some point our detached path will signal the future.
     1382  1. We dynamically allocate a stack frame on entry, and that dynamic memory allocation sticks around until the resumable function completes.
     1383  2. We always construct a promise-future pair for the result (or whatever synchronisation object `coroutine_traits` says) on entry to the function.
     1384  3. If `async_call()` always returns a signalled future, we add the result to total, signal the future and return the future.
     1385  4. If `async_call()` ever returns an unsignaled future, we ask the unsignaled future to resume our detached path when it is signalled. We suspend ourselves, and return our future immediately. At some point our detached path will signal the future.
    13871387 The `await_ready(), await_suspend()` and `await_resume()` functions are firstly looked up as member functions of the synchronisation type returned by the traits specialisation. If not present, they are then looked up as free functions within the same namespace as the synchronisation type with usual overload resolution.
    14121412 This just works because `generator<int>` provides an iterator at `generator<int>::iterator` and a promise type at `generator<int>::promise_type`. The iterator, when dereferenced, causes a single iteration of `fib()` between the `yield` statements and the value yielded is output by the iterator. Note that for each iteration, a new promise and future pair is created, then destroyed and created, and so on until the generator returns.
    1414 All this is great if you are on Microsoft's compiler, but what about the rest of us before C++ 1z? Luckily [ Boost has a conditionally accepted library called Boost.Fiber] which was one of the C++ 11/14 libraries reviewed above and this, with a few caveats, provides good feature parity with proposed C++1z coroutines. Boost.Fiber provides a mirror image of the STL threading library, so:
    1416 || `std::thread`             || => || `fiber::fiber`              ||
    1417 || `std::this_thread`        || => || `fiber::this_fiber`         ||
    1418 || `std::mutex`              || => || `fiber::mutex`              ||
    1419 || `std::condition_variable` || => || `fiber::condition_variable` ||
    1420 || `std::future<T>`          || => || `fiber::future<T>`          ||
    1422 Rewriting the above example to use Boost.Fiber instead (TODO):
     1414All this is great if you are on Microsoft's compiler, but what about the rest of us before C++ 1z? Luckily [ Boost has a conditionally accepted library called Boost.Fiber] which was one of the C++ 11/14 libraries reviewed above and this, with a few caveats, provides good feature parity with proposed C++1z coroutines at the cost of having to type out the boilerplate by hand. Boost.Fiber provides a mirror image of the STL threading library, so:
     1416|| `std::thread`             || => || `fibers::fiber`              ||
     1417|| `std::this_thread`        || => || `fibers::this_fiber`         ||
     1418|| `std::mutex`              || => || `fibers::mutex`              ||
     1419|| `std::condition_variable` || => || `fibers::condition_variable` ||
     1420|| `std::future<T>`          || => || `fibers::future<T>`          ||
     1422Rewriting the above example to use Boost.Fiber and Boost.Thread instead:
    14251425// This is some function which schedules some async operation whose result is returned via the future<int>
    1426 extern std::future<int> async_call();
     1426extern boost::future<int> async_call();
    14281428// This is a function which calls async_call ten times, suspending itself while async_call runs.
    1429 std::future<int> accumulate()
    1430 {
    1431   int total=0;
    1432   for(size_t n=0; n<10; n++)
    1433     total+=await async_call();  // Note the await keyword, this is where the function might suspend
    1434   return total;
     1429boost::fibers::future<int> accumulate()
     1431  boost::fibers::packaged_task<int()> t([]{
     1432    int total=0;
     1433    for(size_t n=0; n<10; n++)
     1434    {
     1435      boost::fibers::promise<int> p;
     1436      boost::fibers::future<int> f(p.get_future());
     1437      async_call().then([p=std::move(p)](boost::future<int> f){
     1438        if(f.has_error())
     1439          p.set_exception(f.get_exception_ptr());
     1440        else
     1441          p.set_value(f.get());
     1442      });
     1443      total+=f.get();
     1444    }
     1445    return total;
     1446  });
     1447  boost::fibers::future<int> f(t.get_future());
     1448  boost::fibers::fiber(std::move(t)).detach();
     1449  return f;
    1444 TODO
    1446 Everything i/o async. Boost.Fiber.
    1448 Automatic WinRT friendly.
     1459As you can see, there is an unfortunate amount of extra boilerplate to convert between Boost.Thread futures and Boost.Fiber futures, plus more boilerplate to make `accumulate()` into a resumable function -- essentially one must boilerplate out `accumulate()` as if it were a kernel thread complete with nested lambdas. Still, though, the above is feature equivalent to C++ 1z coroutines, but you have it now not years from now (for reference, if you want to write a generator which yields values to fibers in Boost.Fiber, simply write to some shared variable and notify a `boost::fibers::condition_variable` followed by a `boost::fibers::this_thread::yield()`, writing to a shared variable without locking is safe because Fibers are scheduled cooperatively).
     1461So after all that, you might be wondering what any of this has to do with:
     1463* Threads.
     1464* i/o.
     1465* Callbacks, including `std::function`.
     1467We'll take the last first. Traditionally if you needed to issue a callback to some user supplied `std::function` or even a C function pointer, if it was guaranteed lightweight you left that invocation inline to your code or if was guaranteed threadsafe you pushed it onto some thread pool to be executed later and so on. With resumable functions/coroutines or Boost.Fibers, you have a new option: ''execute the callback sometime soon after I exit on this thread''. And that opens a number of rather neato design opportunities perhaps illustrated by this legacy design pattern taken from proposed Boost.AFIO:
     1470struct immediate_async_ops
     1472  typedef std::shared_ptr<async_io_handle> rettype;
     1473  typedef rettype retfuncttype();
     1474  size_t reservation;
     1475  std::vector<enqueued_task<retfuncttype>> toexecute;
     1477  immediate_async_ops(size_t reserve) : reservation(reserve) { }
     1478  // Returns a promise which is fulfilled when this is destructed
     1479  void enqueue(enqueued_task<retfuncttype> task)
     1480  {
     1481    if(toexecute.empty())
     1482      toexecute.reserve(reservation);
     1483    toexecute.push_back(task);
     1484  }
     1485  ~immediate_async_ops()
     1486  {
     1487    for(auto &i: toexecute)
     1488    {
     1489      i();
     1490    }
     1491  }
     1493  immediate_async_ops(const immediate_async_ops &);
     1494  immediate_async_ops &operator=(const immediate_async_ops &);
     1495  immediate_async_ops(immediate_async_ops &&);
     1496  immediate_async_ops &operator=(immediate_async_ops &&);
     1500What this does is lets you enqueue packaged tasks (here called enqueued tasks) into an `immediate_async_ops` accumulator. On destruction, it executes those stored tasks, setting their futures to any results of those tasks. What on earth might the use case be for this? AFIO needs to chain operations onto other operations, and if an operation is still pending one appends the continuation there, but if an operation has completed the continuation needs to be executed immediately. Unfortunately, in the core dispatch loop executing continuations there immediately creates race conditions, so what AFIO does is to create an `immediate_async_ops` instance at the very beginning of the call tree for any operation. Deep inside the engine, inside any mutexes or locks, it send continuations which must be executed immediately to the `immediate_async_ops` instance. Once the operation is finished and the stack is unwinding, just before the operation API returns to user mode code it destructs the `immediate_async_ops` instance and therefore dispatches any continuations scheduled there without any locks or mutexes in the way.
     1502This pattern is of course exactly what coroutines/fibers give us -- a way of scheduling code to run at some point not now but soon on the same thread. As with AFIO's `immediate_async_ops`, such a pattern can dramatically simplify a code engine implementation, and if you find your code expending much effort on dealing with error handling in a locking threaded environment where the complexity of handling all the outcome paths is exploding, you should very strong consider a coroutine based refactored design instead.
     1504Finally, what does making your code resumable ready have to do with i/o or threads? If you are not familiar with WinRT which is Microsoft's latest programming platform, well under WinRT ''nothing can block'' i.e. no synchronous APIs are available whatsoever. That of course renders most existing code bases impossible to port to WinRT, at least initially, but one interesting way to work around "nothing can block" is to write emulations of synchronous functions which dispatch into a coroutine scheduler instead. Your legacy code base is now 100% async, yet is written as if it never heard of async in its life. In other words, you write code which uses synchronous blocking functions without thinking about or worrying about async, but it is executed by the runtime as the right ordering of asynchronous operations automagically.
     1506What does WinRT have to do with C++? Well, C++ 1z should gain both coroutines and perhaps not long thereafter Networking which is really ASIO, and ASIO already supports coroutines via Boost.Coroutine and Boost.Fiber. So if you are doing socket i/o you can already do "nothing can block" in C++ 1z, or shortly after the 1z release. I'm hoping that AFIO will contribute asynchronous Filesystem and file i/o, and it is expected a medium term Boost.Thread rewrite should become resumable function friendly, so one could expect in not too distant a future that if you write exclusively using Boost facilities then your synchronously written C++ program could actually be entirely asynchronous in execution, just as on WinRT. That could potentially be huge as C++ suddenly becomes capable of Erlang type tasklet behaviour and design patterns, very exciting.
     1508Obviously everything I have just said should be taken with a pinch of salt as it all depends on WG21 decisions not yet made and a lot of Boost code not yet written. But I think this vision of the future is worth considering as you write your C++ 11/14 code today.
    14501511== 18. COUPLING/SOAPBOX: Essay about wisdom of defaulting to standalone capable (Boost) C++ 11/14 libraries with no external dependencies ==