Changes between Version 41 and Version 42 of BestPracticeHandbook

Jun 10, 2015, 4:11:18 PM (7 years ago)
Niall Douglas



  • BestPracticeHandbook

    v41 v42  
    2525I have tried to keep these points generic to all C++ 11/14 libraries in the hope that they are useful far outside Boost. I have also ordered them with what I consider the most important ("strongly consider") first and not as important ("consider") later.
    27 The final section is going to be the most controversial (probably as usual to the extent of receiving hate mail), which is why it gets a separate standalone section. It contains a set of essays on non-technical best practices, so specifically speaking they are essays discussing best practices at a C++ organisational, cultural, business, operational and management level rather than simply addressing purely C++ software technical practice. In case you wonder what authority I might have to discuss non-technical best practice, be aware that I am equally trained (in terms of degrees) in Economics and Management as I am in Software, plus I am an affiliate researcher with the [ Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation] Research Institute so this non-technical analysis considers software, and the human systems surrounding it, as the one and same [ complex system]. Nevertheless, once you start criticising non-technical best practice you will usually be instantly shouted down by any technical community as being off-topic, irrelevant, trolling or some other ''ad hominem'' based dismissal of even considering the non-technical argument. Hence I have marked that final section with "SOAPBOX", and all opinions and claims therein are those of me personally.