Changes between Version 49 and Version 50 of BestPracticeHandbook

Jun 22, 2015, 3:45:39 PM (7 years ago)
Niall Douglas



  • BestPracticeHandbook

    v49 v50  
    818818== 14. USER FRIENDLINESS: Consider letting potential users try your library with a single mouse click ==
    820 This is seriously cool, but TODO awaiting me writing it up.
     820In the past year, many of the online C++ compiler websites have made available a REST API with which you can upload a ready to play sandbox of your C++ library with an example of usage. One which stands out is as it provides bleeding edge trunk C++ compilers as well as latest Boost, lets you upload multiple files which most of the other services do not, plus it lets you ask for a permalink to an uploaded sandbox which makes it particularly amenable for integration into your Continuous Integration setup (i.e. push a copy of the library + playpen per commit and incorporate the permalink into your generated docs).
     822To that end the Boost community have been busy developing tooling to automate wandbox from Travis etc, and I have taken some of that tooling and bent it to my own ends. Firstly, take a look at
     826rm -rf send_to_wandbox_tmp
     827mkdir send_to_wandbox_tmp
     828include/boost/afio/bindlib/scripts/ -DAFIO_STANDALONE=1 -DSPINLOCK_STANDALONE=1 -DBOOST_AFIO_DISABLE_VALGRIND=1 -Eafio_iocp.ipp -Ent_kernel_stuff -Evalgrind include/boost/afio/afio.hpp > include/boost/afio/single_include.hpp
     829sed "1s/.*/#include \"afio_single_include.hpp\"/" example/readwrite_example.cpp > send_to_wandbox.cpp
     830gcc -fpreprocessed -dD -E -P include/boost/afio/single_include.hpp > send_to_wandbox_tmp/afio_single_include2.hpp 2>/dev/null
     831sed "/^$/d" send_to_wandbox_tmp/afio_single_include2.hpp > send_to_wandbox_tmp/afio_single_include.hpp
     832rm -rf send_to_wandbox_tmp/afio_single_include2.hpp
     833#include/boost/afio/bindlib/scripts/ send_to_wandbox_tmp send_to_wandbox.cpp
     834URL=`include/boost/afio/bindlib/scripts/ send_to_wandbox_tmp send_to_wandbox.cpp | sed -e 's/.*\(http:\/\/[^ '"'"']*\).*/\1/'`
     835if [[ $FRAME != "" ]]; then
     836    echo '<iframe src="'$URL'" frameborder="0" style="height: 100%; width: 100%;" height="100%" width="100%"></iframe>'
     838    echo $URL
     842This shell script invokes the `` script in APIBind ( which will take a set of include files and follow any `#include`s to generate a single very large include file. It takes command arguments:
     844 `-Iincludepath`:: Any paths to search for includes.
     845 `-Dmacro`:: Any macros to hardcode at the beginning of the output. Note that macro logic is NOT followed by this script.
     846 `-Aalwaysinclude`:: Always include an include file even if previously included. Substring matched.
     847 `-Ealwaysexclude`:: Always exclude an include file no matter what. Substring matched.
     849Unless you have very messy headers where logic controlled precise include order matters, this script is pretty good at generating a unified header file which works, though it may require a bit of fiddling with defines to get the output to work without a build system in place. After `` has worked, we ask GCC's preprocessor to eliminate any comments for us, then we use sed to eliminate any blank lines. Finally we invoke the `` script in APIBind ( to push the contents of the send_to_wandbox_tmp directory and the example file we want the user to play with, extract the permalink url sent back to use and echo that out for any CI scripts calling this script. In AFIO's case, that then appears as a giant "Try AFIO now in online web compiler" blue button at
     851Other examples of single mouse click C++ library tryout:
     853* (the "try it online" badge).
     854* (the "try boost.di online" badge).
     856Something I haven't seen yet, but would be taking a page from Rust, is that every documentation example code could be launched on demand in wandbox so people could play with the code.
    825862== 15. DESIGN: Consider making (more) use of ADL C++ namespace composure as a design pattern ==