16 | | State "Accepted": Here, the ticket has an owner, and the Triage team and the owner have agreed who that is. When aticketbug reaches "Acceptance", it needs to have an assignee, a milestone, a priority, and a classification (Bug/Support Request/Feature Request). From here, ticket may be closed in all different manners (Fixed/Invalid/WontFix/etc), or they can be assigned to someone else, in which case they go back to "Assigned", until the new "owner" accepts it. |
| 16 | State "Accepted": Here, the ticket has an owner, and the Triage team and the owner have agreed who that is. When ticket reaches "Acceptance", it needs to have an assignee, a milestone, a priority, and a classification (Bug/Support Request/Feature Request). From here, ticket may be closed in all different manners (Fixed/Invalid/WontFix/etc), or they can be assigned to someone else, in which case they go back to "Assigned", until the new "owner" accepts it. |