[[Image(ImprovingBoostDocs:ibdp.png,nolink)]] * [ImprovingBoostDocs Improving Boost Docs] * [ImprovingBoostDocs About this project] * [BoostDocsRepository Boost docs repository] * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look and feel project] * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost authors] * [GlueDocsProject Glue docs project] * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library docs] * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation best practices] * [DocumentationTools Documentation tools] * [ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects Subprojects] * '''[BoostDocTest Boost.DocTest ]''' * [BoostHtmlStylesheet Boost HTML stylesheet] * [BoostKateSupport Boost Kate support] * [BoostPdfStylesheet Boost PDF stylesheet] * [BoostSpecificWikiMacros Boost-specific WikiMacros] * [BoostTracStylesheet Boost Trac stylesheet] * [BoostscriptProject Boostscript] * [GoogleSearchBoxProject Google Search box project] * [HtmlToDockbookProject HTML to docbook] * [QuickbookWikiProcessor Quickbook WikiProcessor] * [QuickbookSourceStylesheetProject Quickbook source stylesheet] * [SvgIconsSetProject SVG icons set project] * [SyntaxHighlightingProject Syntax-highlighting project] * [BoostTracSyntaxColoring Trac syntax-coloring] * [DebuggerVisualizers Debugger visualizers] * [BrowserTestingChart Browser-testing Chart] * [LibrariesLogos Logo playground] ---- [[Image(ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects:boost_doc_test.png,nolink)]] === Introduction === The !DocTest document is being used for testing purposes in many places within the project. Examples are: * [BoostHtmlStylesheet Boost HTML stylesheet] * [BoostKateSupport Boost Kate support] * [BoostPdfStylesheet Boost PDF stylesheet] * [BoostscriptProject Boostscript] * [ImprovingBoostbook Improving Boostbook] * [QuickbookSourceStylesheetProject Quickbook source stylesheet] * [BrowserTestingChart Browser Testing Chart] It is now fairly complete, but there will always will be new things to include. If you spot a feature of Boostbook or Quickbook that is not being tested, please tell us so we can add it to the document. === Rationale === We have chosen Quickbook to write this document because it is easier to maintain than Boostbook. We have tested Quickbook and Boostbook simultaneously, and Quickbook is as flexible as Boostbook. (If Quickbook is missing any feature that Boostbook has, we can use the scape construct to put into the output boostbook nodes directly.) === Resources === For an up-to-date online version, see: {{{ http://beta.boost.org/development/doc/doc_test/doc/html/index.html }}} Sources are currently kept in the main trunk of the Boost docs project but will be moved to the [ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects#Subprojectsorganization subprojects repository] soon. This docuemnt can be found in the Boost root at: {{{ doc/doc_test }}} ---- === Active Developers === [[Br]][[Image(People:eric_niebler.png,50)]] [[Br]]'''Eric Niebler''' [[Br]][http://www.ohloh.net/projects/3/contributors/100 Ohloh statistics] [[Br]][http://www.linkedin.com/pub/0/87/642 Linked In profile] [[Br]]''email unknown'' [[Br]] [[Br]][[Image(People:joel_de_guzman.png,50)]] [[Br]]'''Joel de Guzman''' [[Br]][http://www.ohloh.net/projects/3/contributors/92 Ohloh statistics] [[Br]][http://www.linkedin.com/pub/0/89/716 Linked In profile] [[Br]]''email unknown'' [[Br]] [[Br]][[Image(People:john_maddock.png,50)]] [[Br]]'''John Maddock''' [[Br]][http://www.ohloh.net/projects/3/contributors/86 Ohloh statistics] [[Br]]''email unknown'' [[Br]] [[Br]][[Image(People:matias_capeletto.png,50)]] [[Br]]'''Matias Capeletto''' [[Br]][http://www.ohloh.net/accounts/5462/positions/2302 Ohloh statistics] [[Br]][http://www.linkedin.com/in/matiascapeletto Linked In profile] [[Br]]''matias dot capeletto at gmail dot com'' [[Br]] [[Br]][[Image(People:paul_bristow.png,50)]] [[Br]]'''Paul Bristow''' [[Br]]''pbristow at hetp dot u-net dot com'' ---- * [ImprovingBoostDocs Improving Boost Docs] * [ImprovingBoostDocs About this project] * [BoostDocsRepository Boost docs repository] * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look and feel project] * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost authors] * [GlueDocsProject Glue docs project] * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library docs] * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation best practices] * [DocumentationTools Documentation tools] * [ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects Subprojects] * '''[BoostDocTest Boost.DocTest ]''' * [BoostHtmlStylesheet Boost HTML stylesheet] * [BoostKateSupport Boost Kate support] * [BoostPdfStylesheet Boost PDF stylesheet] * [BoostSpecificWikiMacros Boost-specific WikiMacros] * [BoostTracStylesheet Boost Trac stylesheet] * [BoostscriptProject Boostscript] * [GoogleSearchBoxProject Google Search box project] * [HtmlToDockbookProject HTML to docbook] * [QuickbookWikiProcessor Quickbook WikiProcessor] * [QuickbookSourceStylesheetProject Quickbook source stylesheet] * [SvgIconsSetProject SVG icons set project] * [SyntaxHighlightingProject Syntax-highlighting project] * [BoostTracSyntaxColoring Trac syntax-coloring] * [DebuggerVisualizers Debugger visualizers] * [BrowserTestingChart Browser-testing Chart] * [LibrariesLogos Logo playground]