
Version 1 (modified by Daniel James, 13 years ago) ( diff )


Quickbok 1.5

Dynamic Scoping vs. Static Scoping

quickbook currently uses dynamic scoping which is generally accepted to be a bad idea. So I'd like to change it to use static scoping.

   [template x static scoping]
   [template foo1[] [x]]
   [template foo2[x] [foo1]]
   [foo2 dynamic scoping]

Will currently return 'dynamic scoping', I'd like it to change it to return 'static scoping' for 1.5 or whatever.

Template Lookup Location


When template arguments are expanded they are evaluated with the current scope rather than the scope they were called with which can be surprising. So I'd like to change it so that they are bound to the correct scope.

  [template x new]
  [template foo1[a x] [a]]
  [foo1 [x] old]

Will return 'old' at the moment, I'd prefer it to return 'new'. Another way to achieve this would be to evaluate template arguments eagerly but that would be a much bigger change and harder to implement a version switch for.

Simplified Template Arg Handling


David Abrahams wrote:

IMO the rules that allow you to do things like leave out a nullary template's argument list when the template body doesn't look like an argument list


This can be removed. I agree.


and combining simple argument separators with ".." separators are confusing at best and don't provide real utility. I think we should avoid such syntax quirks.


Those are there to provide backward compatibility. One of the goals is to replace/rewrite most of the rules using templates. Alas, QB's syntax is admittedly quirky to begin with. In an ideal world, I'd redesign the syntax set and rewrite Qb, but, I guess I don't quite have time to invest on such a rewrite.


I also have no problem with

[stuff a..b..c..d]

I do have a problem with

[stuff a..b c d]

unless that's just 2 arguments.


Alright, so you want it either to be the first form, or the second form, but not combined. Noted.

Spaces in template arguments


[template join1[a b] [b][a]] [/<- "error: Expanding template"]
[template join2[a b] [a][b]]
[template test[x] [join1 [join2 0 [x]] 0]]
[test 0]

The problem here is that join1 is interpreting spaces as argument seperators. So this line:

[template test[x] [join1 [join2 0 [x]] 0]]

is interpreted as:

[template test[x] [join1 [join2..0 [x]] 0]]

Which is confusing, it probably should be interpreted as:

[template test[x] [join1 [join2 0 [x]]..0]]

I think that both seperators (spaces and ..) should be ignored inside square brackets.

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