Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of BoostEvo

Jun 5, 2014, 1:46:34 PM (8 years ago)
Beman Dawes

Add case study commentary


  • BoostEvo

    v6 v7  
    2828* Boost encourages the development of new, state-of-the-art libraries. The intent is to encourage innovative user interfaces and overall library designs, and if that means requiring compiler or standard library support for new C++ features, that is acceptable.
    30 === Case study from Jeff Garland ===
     30=== Case study ===
    32 After 3 years of effort my project had finally put all (~1M sloc) of 1996 pre-standard legacy c++ to bed and started compiling most of our code in C++11 this year.  In large part, Boost was the tool that made that possible.  Because of Boost we were able to gradually move toward what would become the C++11 standard while hacking Boost code to work with our non-compliant compiler/std library…so that when we finally ported to g++4.8 and turned on c++11 it was just a handful of changes we had to make.  And now we’re successfully mixing plenty of C++11 with C++98 code in production use.
     32This case study from Jeff Garland illustrates why Boost continues to support older compilers and standard libraries:
     34 After three years of effort my project had finally put all (~1M sloc) of 1996 pre-standard legacy C++ to bed and started compiling most of our code in C++11 this year.  In large part, Boost was the tool that made that possible.  Because of Boost we were able to gradually move toward what would become the C++11 standard while hacking Boost code to work with our non-compliant compiler/std library…so that when we finally ported to g++4.8 and turned on C++11 it was just a handful of changes we had to make.  And now we’re successfully mixing plenty of C++11 with C++98 code in production use.