[[Image(ImprovingBoostDocs:ibdp.png,nolink)]] * [ImprovingBoostDocs Improving Boost docs] * [ImprovingBoostDocs About this project] * [BoostDocsRepository Boost docs repository] * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look and feel project] * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost authors] * [GlueDocsProject Glue docs project] * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library docs] * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation best practices] * [DocumentationTools Documentation tools] * [ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects Subprojects] * [BoostDocTest Boost.DocTest ] * '''[BoostHtmlStylesheet Boost HTML stylesheet]''' * [BoostKateSupport Boost Kate support] * [BoostPdfStylesheet Boost PDF stylesheet] * [BoostSpecificWikiMacros Boost-specific WikiMacros] * [BoostTracStylesheet Boost Trac stylesheet] * [BoostscriptProject Boostscript] * [GoogleSearchBoxProject Google Search box project] * [HtmlToDockbookProject HTML to docbook] * [QuickbookWikiProcessor Quickbook WikiProcessor] * [QuickbookSourceStylesheetProject Quickbook source stylesheet] * [SvgIconsSetProject SVG icons set project] * [SyntaxHighlightingProject Syntax-highlighting project] * [BoostTracSyntaxColoring Trac syntax-coloring] * [DebuggerVisualizers Debugger visualizers] * [BrowserTestingChart Browser-testing chart] * [LibrariesLogos Logo playground] ---- [[Image(ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects:boost_html_stylesheet.png,nolink)]] === Introduction === As part of the [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look and feel project], we are developing a CSS stylesheet for our HTML docs. === Objectives === * A clean, modern style, following the definitions of the unified look and feel project. * To pass W3C CSS validations. * To use the capabilities of new browsers, degrading gracefully in older ones. * Modular design, allowing easy maintenance and reuse. * Allowing the browser to cache the stylesheet. === Status === The [http://beta.boost.org/development/doc/doc_test/doc/html/index.html current version] is based on Joel de Guzman's blue boostbook stylesheet and Rene Rivera's [http://beta.boost.org beta website] and Matias Capeletto's green boostbook style. It is not the final version. We have maintained some [http://tinyurl.com/3cance insightful discussions] on the boost-docs list, and many things need to be changed. === Resources === See the up-to-date online version at: {{{ http://beta.boost.org/development/doc/doc_test/doc/html/index.html }}} Sources are currently stored in the trunk for the main Boost docs project but will be moved to the [ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects#Subprojectsorganization subprojects repository] soon. In Boost root, the stylesheets are to be found at: {{{ doc/style/html }}} ---- === Active developers === [[Br]][[Image(People:joel_de_guzman.png,50)]] [[Br]]'''Joel de Guzman''' [[Br]][http://www.ohloh.net/projects/3/contributors/92 Ohloh statistics] [[Br]][http://www.linkedin.com/pub/0/89/716 Linked In profile] [[Br]]''email unknown'' [[Br]] [[Br]][[Image(People:matias_capeletto.png,50)]] [[Br]]'''Matias Capeletto''' [[Br]][http://www.ohloh.net/accounts/5462/positions/2302 Ohloh statistics] [[Br]][http://www.linkedin.com/in/matiascapeletto Linked In profile] [[Br]]''matias dot capeletto at gmail dot com'' [[Br]] [[Br]][[Image(People:rene_rivera.png,50)]] [[Br]]'''Rene Rivera''' [[Br]][http://www.ohloh.net/accounts/911/positions/1130 Ohloh statistics] [[Br]][http://www.linkedin.com/in/rrivera Linked In profile] [[Br]]''email unknown'' ---- * [ImprovingBoostDocs Improving Boost docs] * [ImprovingBoostDocs About this project] * [BoostDocsRepository Boost docs repository] * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look and feel project] * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost authors] * [GlueDocsProject Glue docs project] * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library docs] * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation best practices] * [DocumentationTools Documentation tools] * [ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects Subprojects] * [BoostDocTest Boost.DocTest ] * '''[BoostHtmlStylesheet Boost HTML stylesheet]''' * [BoostKateSupport Boost Kate support] * [BoostPdfStylesheet Boost PDF stylesheet] * [BoostSpecificWikiMacros Boost-specific WikiMacros] * [BoostTracStylesheet Boost Trac stylesheet] * [BoostscriptProject Boostscript] * [GoogleSearchBoxProject Google Search box project] * [HtmlToDockbookProject HTML to docbook] * [QuickbookWikiProcessor Quickbook WikiProcessor] * [QuickbookSourceStylesheetProject Quickbook source stylesheet] * [SvgIconsSetProject SVG icons set project] * [SyntaxHighlightingProject Syntax-highlighting project] * [BoostTracSyntaxColoring Trac syntax-coloring] * [DebuggerVisualizers Debugger visualizers] * [BrowserTestingChart Browser-testing chart] * [LibrariesLogos Logo playground]