Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of BoostSubversion

Jul 30, 2007, 2:30:51 PM (15 years ago)
Douglas Gregor

Re-write description of EOL style problems


  • BoostSubversion

    v19 v20  
    4242== MIME Types and End-Of-Line Styles ==
    43 Internally, Subversion stores all text files using the Unix line endings (i.e., a single line feed). When checking out a text file on a Windows machine, however, we would prefer the file to have Windows-style line endings (i.e., carriage return/line feed pairs). Blindly adding and committing files can lead to inconsistent line endings, causing problems with some tools. Boost adopts an approach using [ `svn:eol-style` properties] to provide native line endings for users on all platforms. Each text file in the Boost Subversion repository must have its MIME type set appropriately and have the `svn:eol-style` property set to `native`. These settings will be verified by the Subversion repository itself, to keep the repository consistent.
     43By default, Subversion treats all files as binary. Thus, a text file checked into Subversion with Unix line endings would retain those Unix line endings even when checked out on a Windows or Mac machine. A text file edited on several machines using different platforms would likely end up with inconsistent line endings, causing problems with various development tools. To address this problem, Boost adopts an approach using [ `svn:eol-style` properties] to provide native line endings for users on all platforms. Each text file in the Boost Subversion repository must have its MIME type set appropriately. For each file with a "text/" MIME type, the file must also have the `svn:eol-style` property set to `native`. When the`svn:eol-style` is `native`, the Subversion server stores the file using Unix line endings, but the Subversion client will translate between the server's end-of-line format and the client's native end-of-line format. These settings will be verified by the Subversion repository itself, to keep the repository consistent. Specifically, the Subversion repository will reject commits that contain any files without the `svn:mime-type` property set or any text files without the `svn:eol-style` property set.
    45 To automatically maintain correct MIME types and end-of-line styles, you will need to modify your Subversion configuration to use the "auto-props" feature. When you edit your Subversion configuration, remove the existing {{{enable-auto-props = no}}} setting, if it exists, and then add the following text to enable Subversion's auto-properties. The location of the Subversion configuration differs from on platform to the next:
     45To automatically maintain correct MIME types and end-of-line styles, you will need to modify your Subversion configuration to use the "auto-props" feature. When you edit your Subversion configuration, remove the existing {{{enable-auto-props = no}}} setting, if it exists, and then add the following text to enable Subversion's auto-properties. The location of the Subversion configuration differs from one platform to the next:
    4747  * On Unix: Edit the file {{{~/.subversion/config}}}.