Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of BoostTracStylesheet

Jul 17, 2007, 9:19:58 AM (15 years ago)



  • BoostTracStylesheet

    v12 v13  
    44      * [ImprovingBoostDocs About this project]
    55      * [BoostDocsRepository Boost docs repository]
    6       * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look & feel project]
    7       * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost Authors]
     6      * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look and feel project]
     7      * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost authors]
    88      * [GlueDocsProject Glue docs project]
    9       * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library Docs]
    10       * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation Best Practices]
    11       * [DocumentationTools Documentation Tools]
     9      * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library docs]
     10      * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation best practices]
     11      * [DocumentationTools Documentation tools]
    1212      * [ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects Subprojects]
    1313           * [BoostDocTest Boost.DocTest ]
    1515           * [BoostKateSupport Boost Kate support]
    1616           * [BoostPdfStylesheet Boost PDF stylesheet]
    17            * [BoostSpecificWikiMacros Boost specific WikiMacros]
     17           * [BoostSpecificWikiMacros Boost-specific WikiMacros]
    1818           * '''[BoostTracStylesheet Boost Trac stylesheet]'''
    1919           * [BoostscriptProject Boostscript]
    20            * [GoogleSearchBoxProject Google Search Box project]
     20           * [GoogleSearchBoxProject Google Search box project]
    2121           * [HtmlToDockbookProject HTML to docbook]
    2222           * [QuickbookWikiProcessor Quickbook WikiProcessor]
    2323           * [QuickbookSourceStylesheetProject Quickbook source stylesheet]
    2424           * [SvgIconsSetProject SVG icons set project]
    25            * [SyntaxHighlightingProject Syntax highlighting project]
    26            * [BoostTracSyntaxColoring Trac Syntax Coloring]
    27            * [DebuggerVisualizers Debugger Visualizers]
    28       * [BrowserTestingChart Browser Testing Chart]
    29       * [LibrariesLogos Logo Playground]
     25           * [SyntaxHighlightingProject Syntax-highlighting project]
     26           * [BoostTracSyntaxColoring Trac syntax-coloring]
     27           * [DebuggerVisualizers Debugger visualizers]
     28      * [BrowserTestingChart Browser-testing chart]
     29      * [LibrariesLogos Logo playground]
    3535=== Introduction ===
    37 As part of the [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look & feel project] we are developing a
     37As part of the [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look and feel project], we are developing a
    3838CSS stylesheet for Boost Trac.
    4242We have learned
    4343[ how to change the CSS Trac stylesheet].
    44 This project will wait to the outcome of the [BoostHtmlStylesheet Boost HTML stylesheet]
    45 to avoid keeping both projects in sync.
     44This project will wait for the outcome of the [BoostHtmlStylesheet Boost HTML stylesheet]
     45to keep these projects in sync.
    47 If you want to see an example, go to [ a temporary Boost Trac]
    48 we created to test the CSS.
    49 We have write a [BoostDocTest Boost.DocTest] Wiki version to allow us to see how every construct
    50 looks. The only thing changed for now are [ tables] (compare
    51 them to [ current ones] ).
     47See the [ the temporary Boost Trac example] we created to test the CSS.
     48We have written a [BoostDocTest Boost.DocTest] wiki version to allow us to see how every construct
     49looks. The only things changed for now are [ tables] (compare
     50[ the current ones] ).
    5857[[Br]]'''Douglas Gregor'''
    59 [[Br]][ Ohloh Statistics]
    60 [[Br]]''unknown mail''
     58[[Br]][ Ohloh statistics]
     59[[Br]]''email unknown''
    6362[[Br]]'''Matias Capeletto'''
    64 [[Br]][ Ohloh Statistics]
    65 [[Br]][ Linked In Profile]
     63[[Br]][ Ohloh statistics]
     64[[Br]][ Linked In profile]
    6665[[Br]]''matias dot capeletto at gmail dot com''
    7068   * [ImprovingBoostDocs Improving Boost Docs]
    7169      * [ImprovingBoostDocs About this project]
    7270      * [BoostDocsRepository Boost docs repository]
    73       * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look & feel project]
    74       * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost Authors]
     71      * [UnifiedLookAndFeelProject Unified look and feel project]
     72      * [HelpingBoostAuthors Helping Boost authors]
    7573      * [GlueDocsProject Glue docs project]
    76       * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library Docs]
    77       * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation Best Practices]
    78       * [DocumentationTools Documentation Tools]
     74      * [StandardCppLibraryDocumentation Standard C++ Library docs]
     75      * [DocumentationBestPractices Documentation best practices]
     76      * [DocumentationTools Documentation tools]
    7977      * [ImprovingBoostDocsSubprojects Subprojects]
    8078           * [BoostDocTest Boost.DocTest ]
    8280           * [BoostKateSupport Boost Kate support]
    8381           * [BoostPdfStylesheet Boost PDF stylesheet]
    84            * [BoostSpecificWikiMacros Boost specific WikiMacros]
     82           * [BoostSpecificWikiMacros Boost-specific WikiMacros]
    8583           * '''[BoostTracStylesheet Boost Trac stylesheet]'''
    8684           * [BoostscriptProject Boostscript]
    87            * [GoogleSearchBoxProject Google Search Box project]
     85           * [GoogleSearchBoxProject Google Search box project]
    8886           * [HtmlToDockbookProject HTML to docbook]
    8987           * [QuickbookWikiProcessor Quickbook WikiProcessor]
    9088           * [QuickbookSourceStylesheetProject Quickbook source stylesheet]
    9189           * [SvgIconsSetProject SVG icons set project]
    92            * [SyntaxHighlightingProject Syntax highlighting project]
    93            * [BoostTracSyntaxColoring Trac Syntax Coloring]
    94            * [DebuggerVisualizers Debugger Visualizers]
    95       * [BrowserTestingChart Browser Testing Chart]
    96       * [LibrariesLogos Logo Playground]
     90           * [SyntaxHighlightingProject Syntax-highlighting project]
     91           * [BoostTracSyntaxColoring Trac syntax-coloring]
     92           * [DebuggerVisualizers Debugger visualizers]
     93      * [BrowserTestingChart Browser-testing chart]
     94      * [LibrariesLogos Logo playground]